St Wilfrid's RC Primary School

  1. School Life
  2. Classes
  3. Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Mrs. McCloskey and Miss Edwards.

During this half term, Year 6 will study Greece for International Week. We will learn all about the its history, geography and culture.

To start off our topic, we created our own Greek restaurant where we tried some traditional Greek food.


Homework will be sent home every Wednesday and this must be returned to school by the following Tuesday.

Every Wednesday there will be a spelling test and science test.

Children should be reading at home every night.  

P.E. Kits are needed on Wednesday and Friday.       



Useful Websites

Maths Frame Times Tables Challenge -

ICT Maths Games -

BBC Maths Games -

Topmarks Maths -

Hit the Button -


Useful Websites

ICT Literacy Games -

BBC Bitesize English  -

Literacy Shed -


Useful Website

BBC Bitesize Science -


Useful Website

BBC Bitesize Computing -


Useful Website

BBC Bitesize Spanish -