St Wilfrid's RC Primary School

  1. School Life
  2. Classes
  3. Year 2

Welcome to Year 2  

Mrs Preston, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilding

Skills Builder - Skills we are working on improving throughout the year.

Year 2 Summer 2 Newsletter - Click to download

This half term our topic is What is a monarch?

  Coronation    Crown Jewels

Children will to describe what a monarch is. Also, to explain why coronations take place and how William the Conqueror built castles while ruling England. Additionally, they will identify features of a castle that would be effective when defending against attacks and suggest what a monarch was like in the past. 

 Reading should be done daily and recorded in your child's reading record.

Homework is given out on a Wednesday and is to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Our weekly spelling test is on a Tuesday

P.E. days are on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child's P.E. kit is in school on these days.

Hulme Community Garden Centre Visit

Garden Centre Garden Centre Garden Centre Garden Centre

We visited the Hulme Community Garden Centre to learn about animals and their habitats. We also made seed bombs to plant back at school.

Owls Visit

Owls  Owls  Owls

Owls  Owls  Owls

Year Two - Canada Display

Canada Year Two