Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education


At St Wilfrid’s RC Primary School, we are committed to the education of the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. This includes the teaching of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) at a level which is appropriate to the age and stage of development of our children. We believe that the teaching about human love and relationships must have the teachings of Jesus at its core and promote Catholic virtues as well as equipping all children with the clear and scientific information they need to maintain successful and happy relationships and healthy minds and bodies.


RSE will be embedded within the wider curriculum of PSHE, with quality resources and lessons taken from a combination of PSHE Association, Manchester Healthy Schools and Journey in Love.

The themes for PSHE will be:

Health and Wellbeing

Living in the Wider World


Autumn 1

Healthy Lifestyles

Autumn 2

Keeping Safe

Spring 1

Rights & Responsibilities

Spring 2

Money & Enterprise

Summer 1

Families & Friendships

Summer 2

Healthy Relationships

 The aims from Journey in Love (up to but not including the Year 6 lesson on conception) will be embedded throughout these PSHE curriculum themes and can be broken down into year groups:

EYFS- The wonder of being special and unique.

The children will begin to explore the wonder of being special and unique and different types of feelings.

Year 1- We meet God’s love in our family.

The children will explore families, what makes them special and who is special to them, whilst beginning to learn the importance of keeping safe and staying healthy.

Year 2- We meet God’s love in our community.

The children will explore how we are growing and developing in diverse communities that are God-given. They will explore what communities they are part of and how to keep safe within these communities. They will expand on their knowledge of how to make healthy choices.

Year 3- We meet God’s love in our friends.

The children will explore and give reasons for how they grow through caring and happy friendships. They will explore the qualities of what makes a good friend and how to keep safe within these friendships, both in person and online, and continue to explore how to make healthy choices.

Year 4- God loves us in our differences.

The children will make links and connections to show that they are all different. They will then celebrate these differences as we appreciate that God’s love accepts us as we are and as we grow. They will continue to explore how to keep safe within their local communities, both in person and online whilst learning to respect themselves and others.

Year 5- God loves us in our changing and developing.

The children will recognise and show a knowledge and understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives as they change physically and emotionally through puberty. The will continue to explore the relationships in their life and how to keep safe in different environments.

Year 6- God loves us as we build all our relationships.

The children will understand what a stable and caring relationship is and they will explore how to keep safe in the wider world as we begin to look at the transition of high school. They will understand how to make positive choices for their health and wellbeing.

Our whole school intent for RSE 

  • For teaching and learning to be a sacred experience, with Christ known and at the core of our teaching.
  • Inspired by the examples of Pope Francis, be rooted in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Develop communication skills necessary for life and learning
  • Providing opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.
  • Providing diverse and rich SMSC (spiritual, moral social and cultural development) opportunities from which children develop a range of transferable skills.
  • Encourage children to respect each other and have respect for people of all faiths, race and gender, ensuring children are well prepared for a rapidly changing world.

Department for Education guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education

St Wilfrid's RSE Policy