Parent Partnership

We are working hard to develop ways in which we can involve parents in their children's learning and to make parents feel a part of the school.

To recognise this we have been accredited the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).

Parent Partnership Policy

School Mission Statement

Our School is a Catholic Christian environment inspired by, and rooted in, the values of the Gospel, where everyone is encouraged to grow in faith and moral responsibility.

Our School strives to be a place where everyone, through hard work and service to others, can reach their full potential and be formed for their eternal destiny.


The Aims of our Parent Partnership Policy:

  • To communicate fully with parents to ensure that we all (parents, children, staff) have the same purpose in mind – the needs, development and progress of the children.
  • To involve parents fully in school life and the school community.
  • To operate a policy that encourages the fullest possible two-way communication between staff and parents.
  • To work in close co-operation with parents in order to ensure high standards of care and academic achievement for all of our children.
  • To provide an environment inclusive for all parents and their children, regardless of need, background or culture.

A welcoming and friendly environment for parents, carers and visitors:

Parents are welcomed into the school at mutually convenient times to learn more about their children’s progress and to celebrate their successes. There are numerous opportunities throughout the year (both formal and informal) to meet together and get to know each other.


  • Induction meetings for parents of children starting their school life at St   Wilfrid’s.
  • Parent’s Evening each term to provide parents with up-to-date information on their children’s progress and set targets.
  • SEND-Letters to parents to inform them of their child’s progress and a copy of IEP given
  • Yearly reviews of children with EHCP
  • Individual meetings with a range of staff e.g. one parent support advisor, SENCO, head teacher, class teacher as appropriate to provide support and address any areas of concern.
  • Celebration Masses.


  • Weekly class assemblies.
  • Christmas and Summer Fairs
  • Parents accompanying children on educational visits.
  • Parents attending themed open mornings to look at the learning taking place in their child’s classroom eg. maths day.
  • Family learning events eg. Christmas craft sessions, maths days, cookery sessions


Communication systems:

 Currently, parents receive regular updates from the school including:

  • Regular newsletters and information letters
  • Annual Progress Reports at the end of the year
  • Mid year progress reports
  • Regularly updated website, Twitter
  • HomeSchoolAgreement
  • Text messaging service
  • School questionnaires for parents regarding secular and religious provision provided
  • School notice boards


Opportunities and support for parents:

The school seeks to ensure all groups of parents/carers connected with the school are aware of training and enrichment opportunities available in the school and in the community, by:

  • Offering a wide range of adult education courses.
  • Signposting parents to adult learning courses in other venues eg local children’s centres.
  • Offering leaflets and guidance on specific areas of the curriculum, eg. reading to enable parents to support children at home.
  • Providing weekly Stay and Play Sessions.
  • Supporting attendance and punctuality
  • Providing support and advise through the Parent Support Advisor
  • Providing support and advise through the school nurse


 Extended School Provision:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Homework clubs to support curriculum development.
  • After-school clubs eg (football, netball film club).
  • Taekwando club


We seek to ensure that all relevant school policies are effective and easy to read by parents. Key policies are available on our website and we are able to support parents, by providing hard copies of policies and discussing policies with parents if they would like further information.

Translated copies of some policies are also available on request.


We aim to provide support and resources to help parents make informed decisions about choices and transitions to our school and High School. e.g. Translation facilities on school website

Home/School Partnership:

We believe that a strong home/school partnership is key to children’s emotional development, progress and growth as part of the community. We encourage parents to support their children’s learning at home in a variety of ways, including:

  • jointly signing the Home/School agreement
  • reading with children as often as possible
  • visiting the library together
  • encouraging children to complete and return promptly any homework they have been given
  • Talking with the teacher or the school staff if they have any concerns regarding their children’s learning or behaviour at school or at home.

Parental Feedback:

The school will regularly seek parental views on a range of topics affecting pupils' education through questionnaires, surveys and verbal discussion. Feedback is valued, and responses are seriously considered and appropriate action taken and communicated back to parents.

Parent Partnership

We are working hard to develop ways in which we can involve parents in their children's learning and to make parents feel a part of the school.

To recognise this we have been accredited the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).

Parent Partnership Policy

School Mission Statement

Our School is a Catholic Christian environment inspired by, and rooted in, the values of the Gospel, where everyone is encouraged to grow in faith and moral responsibility.

Our School strives to be a place where everyone, through hard work and service to others, can reach their full potential and be formed for their eternal destiny.


The Aims of our Parent Partnership Policy:

  • To communicate fully with parents to ensure that we all (parents, children, staff) have the same purpose in mind – the needs, development and progress of the children.
  • To involve parents fully in school life and the school community.
  • To operate a policy that encourages the fullest possible two-way communication between staff and parents.
  • To work in close co-operation with parents in order to ensure high standards of care and academic achievement for all of our children.
  • To provide an environment inclusive for all parents and their children, regardless of need, background or culture.

A welcoming and friendly environment for parents, carers and visitors:

Parents are welcomed into the school at mutually convenient times to learn more about their children’s progress and to celebrate their successes. There are numerous opportunities throughout the year (both formal and informal) to meet together and get to know each other.


  • Induction meetings for parents of children starting their school life at St   Wilfrid’s.
  • Parent’s Evening each term to provide parents with up-to-date information on their children’s progress and set targets.
  • SEND-Letters to parents to inform them of their child’s progress and a copy of IEP given
  • Yearly reviews of children with EHCP
  • Individual meetings with a range of staff e.g. one parent support advisor, SENCO, head teacher, class teacher as appropriate to provide support and address any areas of concern.
  • Celebration Masses.


  • Weekly class assemblies.
  • Christmas and Summer Fairs
  • Parents accompanying children on educational visits.
  • Parents attending themed open mornings to look at the learning taking place in their child’s classroom eg. maths day.
  • Family learning events eg. Christmas craft sessions, maths days, cookery sessions


Communication systems:

 Currently, parents receive regular updates from the school including:

  • Regular newsletters and information letters
  • Annual Progress Reports at the end of the year
  • Mid year progress reports
  • Regularly updated website, Twitter
  • HomeSchoolAgreement
  • Text messaging service
  • School questionnaires for parents regarding secular and religious provision provided
  • School notice boards


Opportunities and support for parents:

The school seeks to ensure all groups of parents/carers connected with the school are aware of training and enrichment opportunities available in the school and in the community, by:

  • Offering a wide range of adult education courses.
  • Signposting parents to adult learning courses in other venues eg local children’s centres.
  • Offering leaflets and guidance on specific areas of the curriculum, eg. reading to enable parents to support children at home.
  • Providing weekly Stay and Play Sessions.
  • Supporting attendance and punctuality
  • Providing support and advise through the Parent Support Advisor
  • Providing support and advise through the school nurse


 Extended School Provision:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Homework clubs to support curriculum development.
  • After-school clubs eg (football, netball film club).
  • Taekwando club


We seek to ensure that all relevant school policies are effective and easy to read by parents. Key policies are available on our website and we are able to support parents, by providing hard copies of policies and discussing policies with parents if they would like further information.

Translated copies of some policies are also available on request.


We aim to provide support and resources to help parents make informed decisions about choices and transitions to our school and High School. e.g. Translation facilities on school website

Home/School Partnership:

We believe that a strong home/school partnership is key to children’s emotional development, progress and growth as part of the community. We encourage parents to support their children’s learning at home in a variety of ways, including:

  • jointly signing the Home/School agreement
  • reading with children as often as possible
  • visiting the library together
  • encouraging children to complete and return promptly any homework they have been given
  • Talking with the teacher or the school staff if they have any concerns regarding their children’s learning or behaviour at school or at home.

Parental Feedback:

The school will regularly seek parental views on a range of topics affecting pupils' education through questionnaires, surveys and verbal discussion. Feedback is valued, and responses are seriously considered and appropriate action taken and communicated back to parents.

Parent Partnership

We are working hard to develop ways in which we can involve parents in their children's learning and to make parents feel a part of the school.

To recognise this we have been accredited the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).

Parent Partnership Policy

School Mission Statement

Our School is a Catholic Christian environment inspired by, and rooted in, the values of the Gospel, where everyone is encouraged to grow in faith and moral responsibility.

Our School strives to be a place where everyone, through hard work and service to others, can reach their full potential and be formed for their eternal destiny.


The Aims of our Parent Partnership Policy:

  • To communicate fully with parents to ensure that we all (parents, children, staff) have the same purpose in mind – the needs, development and progress of the children.
  • To involve parents fully in school life and the school community.
  • To operate a policy that encourages the fullest possible two-way communication between staff and parents.
  • To work in close co-operation with parents in order to ensure high standards of care and academic achievement for all of our children.
  • To provide an environment inclusive for all parents and their children, regardless of need, background or culture.

A welcoming and friendly environment for parents, carers and visitors:

Parents are welcomed into the school at mutually convenient times to learn more about their children’s progress and to celebrate their successes. There are numerous opportunities throughout the year (both formal and informal) to meet together and get to know each other.


  • Induction meetings for parents of children starting their school life at St   Wilfrid’s.
  • Parent’s Evening each term to provide parents with up-to-date information on their children’s progress and set targets.
  • SEND-Letters to parents to inform them of their child’s progress and a copy of IEP given
  • Yearly reviews of children with EHCP
  • Individual meetings with a range of staff e.g. one parent support advisor, SENCO, head teacher, class teacher as appropriate to provide support and address any areas of concern.
  • Celebration Masses.


  • Weekly class assemblies.
  • Christmas and Summer Fairs
  • Parents accompanying children on educational visits.
  • Parents attending themed open mornings to look at the learning taking place in their child’s classroom eg. maths day.
  • Family learning events eg. Christmas craft sessions, maths days, cookery sessions


Communication systems:

 Currently, parents receive regular updates from the school including:

  • Regular newsletters and information letters
  • Annual Progress Reports at the end of the year
  • Mid year progress reports
  • Regularly updated website, Twitter
  • HomeSchoolAgreement
  • Text messaging service
  • School questionnaires for parents regarding secular and religious provision provided
  • School notice boards


Opportunities and support for parents:

The school seeks to ensure all groups of parents/carers connected with the school are aware of training and enrichment opportunities available in the school and in the community, by:

  • Offering a wide range of adult education courses.
  • Signposting parents to adult learning courses in other venues eg local children’s centres.
  • Offering leaflets and guidance on specific areas of the curriculum, eg. reading to enable parents to support children at home.
  • Providing weekly Stay and Play Sessions.
  • Supporting attendance and punctuality
  • Providing support and advise through the Parent Support Advisor
  • Providing support and advise through the school nurse


 Extended School Provision:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Homework clubs to support curriculum development.
  • After-school clubs eg (football, netball film club).
  • Taekwando club


We seek to ensure that all relevant school policies are effective and easy to read by parents. Key policies are available on our website and we are able to support parents, by providing hard copies of policies and discussing policies with parents if they would like further information.

Translated copies of some policies are also available on request.


We aim to provide support and resources to help parents make informed decisions about choices and transitions to our school and High School. e.g. Translation facilities on school website

Home/School Partnership:

We believe that a strong home/school partnership is key to children’s emotional development, progress and growth as part of the community. We encourage parents to support their children’s learning at home in a variety of ways, including:

  • jointly signing the Home/School agreement
  • reading with children as often as possible
  • visiting the library together
  • encouraging children to complete and return promptly any homework they have been given
  • Talking with the teacher or the school staff if they have any concerns regarding their children’s learning or behaviour at school or at home.

Parental Feedback:

The school will regularly seek parental views on a range of topics affecting pupils' education through questionnaires, surveys and verbal discussion. Feedback is valued, and responses are seriously considered and appropriate action taken and communicated back to parents.